

Name's Jamie.
She's fifteen & single. ;)
She's random, funny, and fun to be with.. :D
I've never met someone as fun as her. ;]

Written by, Anna. Jamie: :O Anna: (A)

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Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 6:21 AM

one month and 5 days :D
i love you babe
feeling hyper and kind today(its not that i'm bad la --)

reply meeeh stupid boy D:

took some pics today :x
owh and i just change a new phone ((:

nokia 6500 :D
carl zeiss lens 3.2 mega pixel
more than enough :D
not asking for so much :x

gosh i love this socks :D
wear it everytime i go for jogging xD

my Mr. Bump is lost!! D:
so sad la...
nvm, i ask my mom bring me to ss2 buy agaain D:
BUT NOW THIS TIME ITS lil Ms. Sunshine or
1. Mr Tickle
2. Mr Greedy
3. Mr Happy
4. Mr Nosey
5. Mr Sneeze
6. Mr Snow
7. Mr Messy
8. Mr Topsy-Turvy
9. Mr Silly

this is Mr Tickle with baby bump :D cute right! Mr Tickle likes nothing more than to tickle any unfortunate passers by. But his long arms have all sorts of other uses - he can make his breakfast while lying in bed!

Mr Greedy love eating* same as me actually* greediest person alive. When he comes to visit, make sure there's no food lying around or it will soon be gone

Mr Happy! having fun everyday xDD lives in Happyland where everyone and everything is always happy. Whenever you're down, if Mr Happy comes to visit, before long you'll find yourself cheerful again.

erm...this is Mr Nosey. very 38 one. almost act like CAVEWOMAN xD!!! utterly unable to keep himself out of other people's business. He's always sticking his nose into something or other.

this is Mr Sneeze! :D Mr Sneeze live in Coldland, and always has a cold and a very red nose. When Mr Sneeze sneezes, you can hear it miles away.

this is the one that i lost DD:
Mr Bump is always having accidents of all sorts, and so is always wrapped in bandages from his latest injury. Never let him anywhere near your DIY otherwise you can guarentee he'll have the plaster from the walls and the ladder through the window.

uhhh look at Mr Snowman posing xDDDD
When you make a snowman, usually they're pretty inanimate. But if your snowman was to come to life, Mr Snow would be the result.

MR MESSY!! i love this character too :D
i got it on my t-shirt xD
at the back of my t-shirt i mean
he's in the bath tub!!!
Hard though it is to believe, there is someone more messy than you or me. That person is Mr Messy. His garden is overgrown and his washing up is never done. His floor is so covered with things that you can barely open his front door. Mr Messy is the messiest person in the world.

Mr Topsy-Turvy backwards everything gets. He reads books upside down and has a clock that goes anti-clockwise. He greets people he meets by saying "Morning Good" and wears his hat upside-down.

this is...Mr SILLY! --
he do silly stuffs everyday actually

gosshhhh their SO CUTE!! xDD
thats all for today la.
very tired
i think he's washing his hamster cage again --

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sponge kuning so much (o: ♥

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